Thursday, April 4, 2013

Who I am and what am I doing here?

I'm a dreamer. Every morning I take a cup of tea, sit on my couch and spend few minutes dreaming. I just love dreaming! It can take you where ever you want to go - to the next time you meet your friends, to different countries or even to the time when you'll be 50. The only limit is your imagination!  "Where would you be in five years if nothing can stop you?" - that's one of my favorite questions of all time! Big things start with little dreamers.

I love to express myself. I'm really creative person and I try to bring creativity and innovations to everything I do. I get inspired all the time from many different things - a good song, a good video on YouTube or other people. And most of all: I just love dancing! 

I want to be brave. There is a ton of new things I want to do, but I might not have enough courage to do those things. But that's every time you do something new - you don't have any experience about it yet! The only way to solve this is to get over yourself and start action! Learning by doing.

So here I am, starting to write my own blog.

Making my dream true - doing small things daily for reaching my bigger dreams. 
Expressing myself - this is the way to tell about my thoughts and inspire others.
Being brave - stepping out of my comfort zone in so many ways! 

Thanks for checking out my blog and hopefully you'll find something inspiring :)

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Monday, April 1, 2013

As Buzz Lightyear would say, this is my plan:

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